Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let's Break Out to Miracles Together

If you are honestly ready to break out to happiness, success and miracles of wonder please consider coming to Vancouver for a BREAKOUT to Miracles Weekend in Vancouver, BC, October 10/23-24.

It may take a personal breakout for you to cross that line from thinking about it, reading, listening and video viewing about it to embark on a new adventure in a larger, happier more creative reality. I’m cheering you on.

I know, it’s hard to imagine all by yourself. I created this weekend so we can break out from the limits we’ve put on our own vision together.

I would never encourage you to go into debt or damage your finances in order to attend. If you can handle it that leaves two questions:
Are you worth it?
Can this weekend deliver the breakout you want?

I have shared this powerful experience for several years in different settings. The feedback has been extraordinary.

The Breakout weekend contains all the best insights and workshop tested exercises from my life’s work. I love this weekend.

I’m especially eager to share it with you. Why? If you are reading this blog you are already engaged in the wonderful process of liberating yourself from limiting and self defeating beliefs that hold you back.

If you are ready, tempted or just curious go see at

There is a BIG $150 discount if you register by 9-30 so go see now.

Let’s stage a breakout together!


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