Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Teenage Blog Reviews "Emotional Options"

Hawi is 13. She reviews books on her blog, MAGICAL BOOK WORLD I am excited to know that her review of "Emotional Options" may help teenagers learn how to be happier before they load up with years of painful emotional baggage to sort through.

Here is Hawi's review, reprinted with her permission. 


I will forward this by saying that although this is very different to the books that I usually blog about, I do not hesitate in including this to the selection. I am a believer that emotional wellbeing is an important part of most people’s lives, and therefore it is almost my duty as a human being to aid other people in the mission to achieve happiness.
This book is a very important book and deserves a place on every bookshelf. I finished it in one brief yet enlightening sitting and am left with a slightly different outlook on being happy. Mandy Evans has succeeded in crafting a ‘handbook for happiness’ and guides the reader to that stage with easily-understandable words of wisdom. I was pleasantly surprised by the content of this book, and I am sure to reach for it at many trying periods during my life.
Thank you Mandy!