Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Best Thing About Abundance

What’s the most fun thing about having a lot of money? Giving it away!

The same goes for love, generosity of spirit, kindness, blessings, whatever you’ve got to give!
Examples of this happy theory have filled my life in the last few days.

I just got back from a wonderful visit with the now famous, Joe Vitale in Wimberley, Texas. You can see a snippet on http://drjoevitale.blogspot.com/, scroll down a bit.

I admit I wondered what my old friend would be with all that success, all those fancy cars and yes, all that money!

It was fun seeing the stuff he writes about with such glee and pride – cheering us on to our own prosperity as well.

But the most fun of all was watching Joe light a fire of encouragement in every single person we came across. Like the smile on the lunch server’s face when she realized her tip was larger than the bill. The old guy (probably my age :-)) with the self-published novel at a booth we strolled by at the local Market Days. Joe not only offered encouragement, he bought a copy.

Then there was dinner at the Cedar Grove Steakhouse. But the best part? The owners, Bruce and Holly Collie are just learning the business. So Joe took out an ad, an insert coupon in every copy of a local paper. He created it, packed it with marketing magic and paid for it. After our delicious dinner, Holly came out with her 12 – yes 12! beautiful children to sing a song of thanks they had written for Joe. One of the littlest guys, about 5 years old, added his own gleeful, “Thank you little Mister Joe Vitale!” to the end.

I was there for 4 days. It never ended. Most of those people had no idea that Joe is a bestselling author, teacher in “The Secret” video and book, sought after marketing guru.

I left with my suitcase bulging with books and video gifts and a firmer than ever conviction – the best part about having anything is giving some away.

At the airport bookstore, I noticed a big stack of copies of “The Secret.” Isn’t it grand to see someone walk the talk?

Today I opened a message from Kate Nowak that blew me away. You can find it at www.bettertobless.com/6-10-08.html . Click! Bless! Be Blessed!

So many people doing so many amazing things. I love to hear about yours. What will we think of next?

Love and Blessings,