Monday, December 18, 2023

Happiness on Sale!

Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness is on sale during this Amazon Kindle Countdown deal. Starting 12/18/23 through 12/22/23 it is just 99 cents. That's 7 for the price of one! Kindle books can be read on any device.

Here's the link for reviews, info and orders:

Emotional Options 99 Cents

If you are looking for a meaningful holiday gift, for yourself or people you care about, I hope you will consider this book that has helped so many people to be happier now. 

Headlines from the last 3 reviews, all 5 stars:
  • Simple and profound
  • No-Fluff Guide Gives You Tools to Unlock Happiness... MUST READ!!
  • Emotional Freedom Is Available To Everyone
Happy Holidays. 
Happy giving. 
Many Blessings.

With love, 