Monday, December 17, 2012

Meaningful Holiday Gifts

If you are looking for meaningful gifts at affordable prices for the holidays, please consider these two books:

The gift of happiness, "Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness"
Learn how to become your own belief detective. Break out from the hidden beliefs that block your happiness and success.
For reviews and orders

The gift of Recovery, "Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs"
For everyone who has lived through tough times and wounding experiences. Filled with workshop-tested exercises and insights from real people.
For reviews and orders

I've put the very best of everything I have learned in decades of work with limiting, self-defeating beliefs into these two books to share with you and your dear ones. They are available in paperback and Kindle editions. If you live in another country, check Amazon for your area.

Wishing you the gifts of happiness and recovery for the holidays and always.

With love,