Friday, January 2, 2009

Report from the 2009 Welcoming Group

Five of us gathered here on the patio over bagels and stuff on New Years Day to reflect and write about what we want to welcome into our lives in 2009.

Three of us had done this before. The other two had not. I found myself feeling very shy explaining the point of it all to my friends and trying not to sound like a seminar leader.

We talked about how being conscious of what you welcome matters. Whether to say "I want or I welcome" came up for discussion too. And whether it was just semantics.

For about twenty years I thought in terms of "I want" for this exercise. Then I became aware of the energy and emotions that generated. How it seemed to focus on the lack rather than the awareness of how welcome the object or experience we desire is.

We got to work and spent four hours thinking, writing, sharing, eating, laughing, crying and learning so much about ourselves and each other.

Each of us had focused more than usual on how we wanted to be, changes we wanted to make in ourselves, rather than stuff to attract from the universe. We had plenty of those too though.

We all wanted inspiration to expand, grow, create, express our true selves in different ways.
Clearing excess baggage was popular as were travel, meditating and spiritual growth.

We added to our lists as we learned from each other and thought of new wonders we'd like to show up in our lives.

Here is some of what I wrote:
Being happy
The will to do what I can to be healthy and pain-free
Greatly expanded ability to accept love and support
Deepening dear relationships
To be well accompanied through life
Writing the next book and selling 100,000 copies
Tech help
Someone to help market CDs and seminars
A perfect tenant for a warehouse/office building I own to whom I can give a big rent break and for whom it will be a well used and appreciated opportunity
A durable solution to roof leaks at that building
Continued prosperity
Being a good mother
Being a good friend
Wonderful books to read
Food, love, shelter for all
Help for our new president from all over
Renewal and deepening of values of honor and kindness in our country -- and the world

We talked about the importance of nurturing, support and open communication, the consequences of isolating when times are tough and admiration for the courage of those who put themselves out there in creative ways for all of us to see and maybe judge harshly.

It was a magical morning. I wish we could all be together at one huge table sharing our thoughts and heart's desires.

I love the comments people posted so far. They are a gift to us all.

May all of our "welcomings" arrive at our doors and may we all be wise enough to let them in.
