Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  In the USA it's a special time to celebrate the nurturing, mothering spirit in us all. You are welcome to join us from anywhere!
As you ponder (and maybe worry about) so many choices this weekend, how about choosing to nurture the life-giving spirit inside you? Look for opportunities to bring lit-up-life to a moment.
You could:

·         Acknowledge your mother and everyone who has nurtured you. Who helped you to become the wondrous being that you are? Do they know what they mean to you?
·         Bestow patience, kindness, generosity, a sudden smile, silence, a hug, advice, a phone call or an expression of gratitude.
·         Sit quietly and send love and blessings to people you care about – and those you find it challenging to care about too!

My heart is full of gratitude for the nurturing kindness that gives us life.
Thank you for sharing these thoughts and feelings with me. I would love to hear about yours.

To the life-giving nurturing spirit in you!

Your comments are always welcome.