Thursday, December 25, 2014

Joy to the World and You

Joy to the world and you!

Peace on earth, good will to all!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Meaningful Gifts of Happiness and Recovery

Here are two books to enrich lives forever, the perfect gift to yourself and readers on your list.

 The Gift of Happiness!

Emotional Options: how to break out from beliefs that block happiness and success. Endorsed by giants in the human consciousness field, Joe Vitale and Michael Neill plus rave reviews on Amazon. Available in digital and paperback editions at

The Gift of Recovery!

Make this your year for recovery, freedom and happiness. Learn how to recover from painful experiences and thrive with this workshop-in-a-book. Endorsed by Deepak Chopra and Bernie Siegel, Travelling Free shows you to how break out from beliefs you formed in the past that you still live by without realizing it.
Available in digital and paperback editions at

Wishing you great happiness and success for the holidays and always!


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gratitude, Good Food and Happinesse

Here in Palm Springs, with family, the turkey is about to go in the oven, the stuffing, is made, the pies are baked, the table is set and we're about to head for the pool.

Wishing you and and everyone in the world, good food, happiness, and gratitude for the blessings we share.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Clear Vision: What I Learned from Cataract Surgery

I do not ask for help easily. At least this time I managed to override the automatic, "If you can't do it, no problem." I just asked. The second person, my neighbor was able and willing to arrive at my gate at 7:15 AM to take me off to the surgery center.

A healing environment and kindness are very important to me. I knew my doctor was an old grouch with a reputation for an explosive temper. He's harsh; I'm sensitive but we got through it OK.

The big lesson is that I focus on what may be wrong more than I like, sort of scanning for problems like a computer anti-virus program on high alert.. There was plenty to focus on, lots of little hiccups, like those pesky broken blood vessels. Easiest to obsess about, a very slow recovery to normal vision, just approaching today on day 4.

My coaching clients and I work on this together all the time. It comes up for the most successful people I know. In my work I never want to "think positive" or "think negative." The goal is always clear vision. This seems a perfect opportunity to improve my own view. If something is off, I want to know, but not to the exclusion of the wonder all around me!

If you too, sometimes get caught up in the what-is-wrong-web, maybe this is a good time for you too, to widen your focus and include the wonder of it all.

Today I am going to consciously include in my focus:
  • The miracle of fast eye surgery 
  • The extraordinary miracle of sight
  • The kind wishes of friends and my dear son
  • The thoughtful support of my neighbor
  • The miracle of color
  • My comfy home to return to
  • The gradual clearing of my vision
  • The vast numbers of people who can see because of  surgery like this
  • The warm feeling of gratitude for my life and the coming holiday
  • Love and thanks to you for sharing my journey!
Here's to clear vision and happiness!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pumpkin Breakout

Most people believe that pumpkins are orange, right?


Now there's a puking pumpkin! Happy day after Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

One Step Miracles

Just one step in a new direction can lead to a miracle.

I always wondered what happened to him. We met when I was 20, lived together off on on, married other people -- he more of them than I. Last I heard he sailed an old wooden boat from NYC to Portugal.

A few weeks ago, an intense curiosity grabbed me for a good shake. I found an address in Florida, one of the least likely places I could imagine this guy. Still, all the info matched, first last, middle initial, birth year. I sent a note of well wishes and forgot about it. I had done what I could and felt complete.

Ten days later he went to visit his brother in Florida (for the first time in 22 years) who told him, "You've got mail."

He's arriving next week for a visit. We were in our 30's when we last saw each other. I'm 73 now.

Memories float up from long ago days. I was just plain bat s**** crazy then -- not in a happy way either. So many times I felt caught in a web I did not know was of my own making. I could no more see a way out than I could find my way around Mars.

One of the precious lessons that changed the trajectory of my life is this "All you have to do is turn, maybe ever so slightly, and take a step in a new direction." Then follow your intense curiosity and desire. Correct your course as new information becomes available. You will find your way if there is one. So far, there always is.

My friend, Joe Vitale, coined the phrase, take inspired action. Every once in a while, you get a hit, a shiver of something, a glimpse of possibility. When that happens, take inspired action!

I share this happy connection miracle because it demolishes limiting beliefs about what can happen. What miracle would you like to show up in your life?

Cheering you on to accepting miracles.


For more about "Accepting Miracles" watch the video of the talk that inspired a standing ovation. It's available on my website in the Breakout Keys section..

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Inspired for Peace

Inspired for peace! After hearing Fariba Nawa, author of "Opium Nation" and the cover story in Newsweek ("My family and Other Radicals") speak about life as a free lance journalist from Afghanistan, writing, war, and peace.

A young man asked what we can do to make it one world, now that we can all reach each other all over the planet. Her answer was to speak out and no more wars.

So amazing, here we are, across times zones, datelines, borders, religions, political and cultural differences -- communicating!

Here's my "speak out" --- Happiness promotes peace. Hatred, anger and greed (fearing you don't have enough) promote war. I am for happiness and peace. That is why I wrote every word in both of my books, "Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness" and "Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs" and why I teach every minutes of seminars and coaching.


Your thoughts and comments are welcome.


Friday, August 29, 2014

We All Have It

Do you ever wonder who on earth you are
to tell anybody anything?
I sure do. Lately, I've really asked myself  if I'm 
delusional making videos to help people and keeping my 
books in print. 
But when I think about it I see that we all have so much to 
give. No one of us has all the answers, surely not I. But 
each of us has a wealth of knowledge, talent, insight and 
inspiration to share.
Here's what I've got:
Three videos with entheos. You can read the articles on
 limiting beliefs, prosperity and happiness and preview the
videos free. No strings! Or subscribe for under $10 and see 
100's classes for Optimal Living. Here's my Professor Page 

Two real deal how-to self-help books, "Emotional Options"
and "Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past. See
order info plus reviews and endorsements by people like
Deepak Chopra, John Gray (the Men Are from Mars guy),
Joe Vitale and Super Coach, Michael Neill at my Amazon
Author's page:

My ongoing encouragement, love and gratitude for you to
share my thoughts with.
 If you'd like to go public with what you'd like to share please 
post a comment!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to Use Conscious Attraction

What is that mysterious connection between you and 
what comes into your life? What is it made of? 
Though I still confess to a good deal of bewilderment, 
I'd like to focus on two important (usually overlooked) 
elements of that connection. Each plays a crucial role
in what comes into your life and how you experience 
Consciousness and Beliefs
Beliefs govern choices you make and emotions you 
feel, even what dreams you dare to reach for. But 
consciousness comes first! You cannot form a belief 
about something you are not aware of. 

Consciousness and beliefs work in a beautiful partnership. 
You can only dare to choose among options you are 
aware of and believe are possible for you.

My new adventure as a professor with entheos Academy 
for Optimal Living makes classes I could not even have 
dreamed of available and affordable to you! Until I learned 
about the opportunity, I could not even want it!

Consciousness and Beliefs. You can't click the link to open the door unless
 you read this. You won't be conscious of what's in there.

You won't watch the videos unless you believe it is
possible, no, likely that you can  become happier, 
freer and more prosperous just be being 
present and open to a new perspective. 

This new adventure has raised my consciousness of 
what is possible for me as a teacher beyond my 
wildest dreams and altered my beliefs about what 
I can contribute.

"How to Prosper from the Inside Out" challenged me
most of all. It is new material and reveals things about 
my life I've never shared publicly. I created the class to 
help others break out from the unconscious prison that 
blocks happy prosperity by sharing how I broke out of mine.

I hope the magic of Conscious Attraction draws 
you to click,, watch, prosper 
and be happy! 

Previews are free, classes are seriously affordable, $9.99 for
a whole month of 100's of classes plus mine. 

Thanks you for sharing these thoughts and dreams with me!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to Prosper from the Inside Out

Dedicated to your happy prosperity!

Today we have more opportunities to prosper and thrive than ever before. But our beliefs and attitudes have not always caught up. What brings one person riches while someone else worries about money all the time? Our beliefs and attitudes about money influence every aspect of our lives. They live inside us though. Only you and I can discover our own beliefs about money and create financial freedom.

Creating prosperity is an inside job, so let's look inside to see just what this inside job description covers.

1| Raise Your Prosperity Consciousness.
When you think of money, do you think about what it means to you? Have you decided how much are you willing to be responsible for? Or do you, like most people, direct your attention outward toward stuff you want to buy or bills you need to pay? I shall be forever grateful for the turn-around in my own focus. At the time I lived in a converted commercial chicken coop in the foothills of the Catskill mountains with my 7 year old son. We heated with wood. The wood was green. I sat on the floor, in the middle of a cold winter night. Tears streamed down my face as I stoked and poked the fire in our little Shaker stove back to life again.  It dawned on me that I had an severe case of poverty consciousness. The time had come to break out.

2| Define what prosperity means to you and for you. The dictionary says it means "a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune. 2. prosperities, prosperous circumstances." I like that "good fortune" one!

3| Avoid Contempt for Wealth.
It's almost impossible to attract something you scorn.

4| Learn from Envy.
Then move on! The next time you feel envious of someone else's good fortune, look to see if you want what they have too. Yes? Then focus on that desire. What you focus on grows. Don't grow envy and resentment. Cultivate what you want to bring into your life.

5| You've Got to be Willing.
Unless you are willing to prosper, no matter what you do, you'll run right into the walls you build with the limits you set. For example, do you (unconsciously) block abundance and joy because you believe you do not deserve it? The American advertising industry promotes the concept of deserving. It all began with that "You Deserve a Break Today" jingle for McDonald's. Now we hear about it every day. Fortunately you do NOT need to pass a deserving examination in order to thrive and prosper. There is no deserving panel to give you good fortune or sentence you to poverty.

6| Receive, Receive, Receive.
Practice receiving gifts with grace and gratitude. People who struggle with money issues often deflect the generosity extended to them. Do you feel embarrassed when someone treats to something you can't afford yourself? Have you ever  judged a gift as too small to bother with, perhaps even unworthy of you? That blocks the flow. When you block the flow, you really do block the flow. When you dam up the river all of the water stops flowing.

7| Give! Give! Give!
The most bleak state of poverty (beyond a struggle to meet your basic needs for survival) is that of believing you have nothing to give. You have plenty to give. Do not impoverish yourself with that myth. Allow yourself the joy of giving. It may be cash or a helping hand. Give a smile of thanks, a pat on the back, a service you can provide. Encourage someone. The important thing is to enjoy the flow of goods and actions. Bless your gifts; they may come back doubled.

8| Cultivate an Attitude of Plenitude.
What you see is mostly what you look for. Look around at this amazing planet. There is more than enough to go around. Look for opportunities and you will find them. Look for evidence of scarcity and you'll find that too. You choose.

9| Align Your Prosperity Goals with Your Beliefs About Money.  
Your belief-driven attitude directs the movie of your financial life. Will you star in a prosperity comedy, adventure film or a tragedy? Few of us ever think about that. We just act on our beliefs. We live by them and are often bewildered and upset with the results. Some of those beliefs lead straight to the poor house. Others scare us silly or tempt us to give up altogether. In my years of coaching and leading seminars, I've heard an amazing assortment of limiting beliefs about money. It's important to uncover and break out from the ones that hold you back.

10| Celebrate Every Day; Enjoy Your Money and Stuff.
We all know wealthy people and poor people who are happy and others who are anxious, angry and resentful. What about you? Do you have more money than you know what to do with? Or maybe you wonder how to make the rent with a maxed out credit card. Either way, would it be okay with you, if right now, this very minute, your heart and mind fill with thoughts of gratitude for your blessings and generosity toward others? Could you wish the same for all of us here on this amazing planet earth?

Cheering you on to happy prosperity!

I'd love to know what you think and always welcome suggestions for topics.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Come to Summer School!

Class is in session! Optimize your life today with 3 new classes in prosperity, happiness and freedom from limiting beliefs.

My Main Professor Page on the Academy

Sunday, June 1, 2014

How to Break Out from a Limiting Belief

What is holding you back from your own dreams and aspirations?
  • Do you want to improve your finances? 
  • Would you like to have better relationships? 
  • How about expanding your creativity?
  • Making a greater contribution to the world? 
Whatever you want, begin with what you believe. Your individual version of reality influences every choice you make. It colors and shapes every goal you reach for or turn away from, even what dreams you dare to have.

Changing limiting beliefs about your lot in life can open doors you may not have known you closed.

In the midst of beauty and abundance, you can spend your entire life wrestling with circumstances and situations without ever discovering the fixed ideas that keep you stuck in them. Beyond self-defeating beliefs, the possibilities are infinite!

The Top 10 Big Ideas

1 | Don't Just Do Something; Stand There
Before you embark on a new journey or make an important life decision, stop!  It's easy to make these choices unconsciously. Often they aren't even decisions so much as knee-jerk reactions from hidden self-defeating beliefs. When you can be present and feel good where you are, you free yourself to take inspired action instead of just bouncing off the walls of events and circumstances.

2 | Discern and Use the Difference Between Acceptance and Resignation
To accept means to receive with consent. It bears no resemblance to resignation. Imagine someone throws you a ball. If you catch it, you can do whatever you like with it. Life is like that. If you accept a moment as it is, you can do whatever you like in the next moment. You can reach for anything you want, move in any direction you choose. Acceptance is actually the foundation for empowered change.
Resignation is the state of giving up. Another big difference is that acceptance feels pretty good. Resignation, giving up your own heart's desire, really hurts.

3 | Uncover Your Limiting Beliefs
 A belief is anything you accept as real or true. It may be your own perception or something you heard or read. A limiting belief is something that seems true too but blocks your happiness and success. It cannot be true if it is limiting. It cannot be limiting if it is true.
We harbor all sorts of beliefs. I cannot imagine the size of the database. You can't challenge them all. But if you eliminate the ones that cause emotional pain or crush your heart's desire you will be a very successful, happy camper.

4 | Follow that Feeling
Painful emotions provide strong clues to help you find limiting beliefs. Pay attention to them. Emotions are the rocket fuel of manifestation. They have a profound influence on what happens in your life. For example, the choices you make and the actions you take when you are angry or afraid lead down a very different road from the choices and actions you take when you are happy.
Feelings give our lives color. Like a kaleidoscope, they change rapidly. No problem—unless they are painful and they come and stick like glue. Then they disrupt your life. Sometimes it seems as if an emotion like anger or guilt has actually taken over like some kind of demon feeling.

5 | Explore and Dismantle Misery-Making Beliefs
What do you do when you discover one? When you see that you are operating under the influence of a limiting belief it's tempting to spin it into a better belief. Don't do that. Even though  lots of experts recommend turning them into a positive beliefs or re-framing them, the problem is you will always know you did that.
Become  a seeker of truth instead; you never have to spin it!
It takes some courage. You've got to accept what you see as you go. You have to embrace confusion. It's a very high state in which you discover that what you believe is not so, before you know what is. Most of us did not grow up celebrating confusion, but if you allow it, even welcome it, you will move through the fog to new clarity.
Always question any form of unhappiness. Here are five good ones from Bruce Di Marsico, who originated the Option Method.
How are you feeling that you don't like feeling? Let's pick anger as our example, but it could be fear, guilt—any feeling you get stuck in.
  • What are you angry about?
  • Why are you angry about that? The answer to this question will be a belief.
  • Do you believe that? If you answer 'yes' go to the next question.
  • What are you concerned would happen if you did not believe that?
When you discover that something you have believed is simply not true, you dissolve feelings like fear and resentment that have seemed inevitable, often for years. The truth really does set you free.

 6 | Tap Into Desire
One of the most common, and severely limiting beliefs that I encounter in my work is the notion that we need to feel bad in order to motivate ourselves. Anyone ever tell you, If you feel bad enough, you'll do something about it?
It sort of works, but not very well and the toll is too high. Desire is much more powerful.  Desire, especially happy, curious desire is the strongest motivation there is.
Did you ever watch a baby learning how to walk? Desire in motion! They just want to walk. They don't sit around in their diapers feeling bad about not having mastered it yet. They don't feel guilty about not trying hard enough. They don't get angry with the world for making it so hard. They just get up and do it again. They fall down a lot, but over and over they rise up and do it again -- because they want to!
If you do not make your desire painful, you never have to give up on anything. That's good because there isn't anything much more painful than trying to crush the desire out of you own heart.  

7 | Take a Break from Judging Yourself and Others
 What if we were all doing the best we can with what we know and believe at the time? Except for the truly deranged, I have never seen an exception to this idea.
Even if we do things that harm ourselves or others, it's the best we can come up with at that moment. The good news is that that can change in a flash with new insight. When you stop judging yourself and everyone else you will release a vast amount of energy to use in a more productive way. If you seek to understand rather than judge, there's a bonus; understanding is even more powerful than forgiving.

8 | Authorize Yourself To Be the Expert in Your Own Life
No one knows more than you do about you. Even if you seek the advice of experts, like some of the knowledgeable teachers here, you have to be the one who decides which advice to follow and what to steer clear of. No amount of credentials, degrees, licenses or certificates will validate who you are. Sometimes you have to flat out claim the authority to be you. No one else can give that to you. You, you are the one!

9 | Lose the Faith
No faith is required in order to breakout from a limiting, self-defeating belief. The goal here is to believe less, not more.
Sometimes its hard to abandon your faith in something you always assumed was true. You may fear looking foolish. You may also resist that confusion part. We could come up with a bunch of reasons to cling to a false belief. There is one strong reason to break out from a limiting one though. In the vast, confusing unknown, you will enter the space of miracles!

10 | Don't Worry, Be Happy
I know of no greater limiting belief than the popular one that it is good to feel bad now so you can feel good later. At the end of all our desire is the hope for happiness. The miracle is that you can be happy now, even before you fix all of the things you believe are wrong with you and our world.

To Your Success and Happiness!

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Goose On The Roof

Happy Friday, everyone. Have a silly goose, fun weekend.

A Goose On the Roof

Woke up this morning
And what did I see?
A Goose on the roof!
He was looking at me.

This is no spoof!
He was there on that roof,
Just standing, aloof
I swear to you all --
And here is the proof

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I Learned Everything I Need to Know About Attachment from Flowers

Flowers can teach us all we need to know about how to enjoy life without attachment. 

These tulips arrived on my birthday, tightly closed. 

My friend and I enjoyed them at breakfast. Then we 
brought them in. They turned toward the sun.

Today, their heads droop. They will not last long. 

Tomorrow they will begin to wilt and die. 

Shall we enjoy life, like tulips, so beautiful, 
such a gift -- just for now?


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Anger Increases the Risk of Heart Attack 5X

A new Harvard study shows that angry outbursts may increase the risk of a heart attack by 5 times! The risk continues for up to two hours after the incident, whether the anger is expressed or not. The study also concluded that anger amped up the risk for a stroke 3 fold.

My years of work with BreakOut students convinces me that most anger is belief-driven, not the natural, healthy fight or flight response that maximizes our chances to survive. Ironic, isn't it, that the same emotion can protect us or destroy us?

When someone (and everyone around him/her) suffers from chronic anger, they usually operate from self-defeating beliefs such as:

  • If I weren't angry, I wouldn't stand up for myself
  • IT makes me angry; outside forces cause my anger
  • Anybody would be mad about this... (fill in the blank)
  • It's a knee-jerk reaction beyond my control

Efforts to override belief-driven anger do not work very well. You have to find the beliefs that fuel it. Then you can drain the tank by removing them.

Think of all of the people taking drugs to prevent heart attacks and strokes, while risking  heart attacks and strokes every day by exploding (blood vessels literally) in anger.

Two resources to break out from anger:

"Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness" explains how to find the beliefs that fuel anger (and other unwelcome emotions) and how to drain the tank by disproving them. These beliefs are unique. Each of us has to find our own. Otherwise knowing it's bad for your health may only compound the problem.
Emotional Options:

"How to Be Happy: Exercise Your Emotional Options" On Thursday, March 27th at 2:00PM PDT, I will discuss some ideas to help you begin to exercise your emotional options. Check out my free 10 Big Ideas + join us live here: .

This live streaming video class will cover lots of ways to breakout from limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in painful, unhealthy emotions.

Cheering you on to happiness and health!

Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Be Happy NOW!

How to Be Happy: Exercise Your Emotional Options

Happiness is the end goal of all of our striving, yet we all know people who have achieved great success and still aren't happy. There's got to be more to it. What if you could be happier right now, even before you fix all of the things that seem wrong with your life or our world? Here are some ideas to help you begin to exercise your emotional options today. This class is dedicated to your happiness. 
This is my second course with entheos. I'm thrilled to share it with you. The 10 Big Ideas are FREE and so is the live class, March 27 at 2:00 PDT -- that's Pacific Daylight Time
Check out my Top 10 Big Ideas here

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Freedom from Fear of False Danger

Choosing examples for the new class, "How to Break Out from a Limiting Belief" at entheos Academy for Life, I settled on beliefs about fear. Many of us believe that being afraid protects us from danger. People who suffered trauma and abuse often maintain abiding faith in this fear as if it were a weapon they can never put down. Most of us harbor some fear, of rejection, humiliation, being judged. Maybe heights? Speaking in a group?

Imagine the toll this hyper-vigilant state takes. It bombards our bodies with autonomic and endocrine changes designed for self-preservation. But what if there is no danger?

Living in constant fear not only does not protect from peril, it diminishes your ability to discern actual threats to your well-being. It wears you out. It robs you of peace of mind and restorative rest. Chronic fear wreaks havoc with your ability to love and feel loved.

No matter where it came from, faith in fear will not save you! The ability to accurately discern and respond to danger helps. A healthy flight or fight response works wonders. Learning to avoid harmful people and situations works much better than coloring everything scary.

Here's one of mine. I dread asking anyone for anything, especially for something that  benefits me. It's easier to ask for someone else.

I've got ideas about where it came from but what I've done with it that has compounded the problem big time. I engineered my life around not having to ask. That led me to people who really liked that. That led...
well you get the picture, the impact of that kind of fear.

It's minor compared to the (often hidden) terror many people live with. But provides us with a good, clear example. Sure is one I know well. This is what I've come up with. It helps. I'm gaining on it.

  • Challenge your faith in fear
  • Learn to see real danger and respond to it
  • Avoid harmful people and situations
  • Seek nurturing, supportive environments
  • Relax, if just for a minute, and see what happens

When I feel that old familiar dread, I ask, "Is there any reason you don't want to do that other than because you're scared?" If the answer is answer "no" I do it. Sometimes I have to schedule it on my calendar. I'm talking really little stuff, like calling CreateSpace (Amazon's publishing company) to ask how many pages they require to put a title on the spine of a book. That took 10 days. The answer is 101 :-)!

The big idea is to stop honoring your fear of false danger as if it were some great wall. Challenge it. Walk right through it. Over and over again. You will build new memories and beliefs. When you discover that emperor really hasn't got any clothes, you will never have to blindly obey again. Fear really can turn into excitement!

Now I'm going to ask you for something. Please check out the new class, "How to Breakout from a Limiting Belief" and others at entheos. If you like it, help me spread the word. This is a brand new venture and adventure for me. I'm thrilled to share it with you. The courses there offer you real value.

The link to info about "How to BREAK Out from a Limiting Belief" is

Join us this Thursday 2/20 at 2:00 pm pst. It's free to watch the live video. After that you can watch it at your convenience along with hundreds of courses to enrich the quality of this one precious life you have. Subscriptions are only $18.00 per month or $96 per year at this wonderful new school for life!

Let's stage a BREAKOUT!
About that asking? Heart beating fast, but feeling excited.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Send Love

Happy Valentine's Day! It's a wonderful day to send love.
This rose actually grew in my patio, like a gift from the universe. 

Sending it to you, in sunshine or in snow, with love!

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Best People We Know Interview

Here's the link to listen to Deb Scott's interview with me on "How to Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs." She hosts a wonderful radio show, "The Best People We Know." We got so excited we kept interrupting each other. So much to learn, so little time! listen and learn with us.

New Self Help Podcasts with Best People We Know on BlogTalkRadio


Friday, February 7, 2014

Embrace Change!

Embrace change! Give it a big hug and welcome it in. Change means you're alive.

"Let go or be dragged!" is a favorite quote.

Another -- "You can't hover. You either expand or contract."

I've been through an awful lot of changes. Sometimes I went kicking and screaming, other times grinning from ear to ear.

Shall we be like the flowers, growing from bud to bloom to fading away, sharing their beauty and sweetness Or gripe and moan, punishing ourselves and others on our way through this magical journey of life?

On my birthday, April 3, 2012 a test result, with good news, announced that my life would take a different path from the one I'd prepared for. The words to tell about it have not come easily. When I get them together, I'll share them. Meanwhile I'm inspired by flowers and you!


PS, Stay in touch. To receive notice of a new post, put your email in the form on the right.
 Your comments are always welcome.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

New Class: Big Breakout Ideas

NEW CLASS! How To Breakout from a Limiting Belief

Do you want to improve your finances? Would you like to have better relationships? How about expanding your creativity, or making a greater contribution to the world? Whatever you want, begin with what you believe.
Your individual version of reality influences every choice you make. It colors and shapes every goal you reach for or turn away from, even what dreams you dare to have.

Changing limiting beliefs about your lot in life can open doors you may not have known you closed.  In the midst of beauty and abundance, you can spend your entire life wrestling with circumstances and situations without ever discovering the fixed ideas that keep you stuck in them. Beyond self-defeating beliefs, the possibilities are infinite!

Watch my class for FREE on Thursday, February 20th at 2pm PST at the en*theos Academy for Optimal Living

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New BREAKOUT in Learning and Teaching

Our individual versions of reality (belief systems) influence every choice we make. They shape every goal we reach for, or turn away from -- even what dreams we dare to have. 

That's why I am so excited about a new opportunity to share my life's work -- the happiness and success available when you break out from the beliefs that block you.

Hooray! Entheos just posted my first (FREE) 10 Big Tips to help you "Break Out from a Limiting Belief."  An hour long live-stream video will follow 2/20 at 2 pm PT.

When entheos invited me to join the faculty, I what I saw as looked into their site delighted me. It's beyond my wildest dreams!  

All of the entheos courses give you 10 Big Tips you can use right now on all sorts of important aspects of life. They are FREE! Access to all of the video courses is only $8 per month with a year's subscription or $18 for a single month.

Learn how to turn a misery-making tyrant of a belief into a source of happiness and inspiration. Check out the (Did I say FREE?) Top 10 Big Ideas here:

I would love to know what you think!

To your happiness and success!