Friday, August 29, 2008

Celebrate the Fruits of Your Labor

Here in the US on the first Monday in September we celebrate with a tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.

After a hundred years of observance there is still a lot of doubt about how it all started. One thing seems sure – it’s a great idea for a holiday.

It also points up a topic of confusion and controversy I hear a lot about – The Law of Attraction VS that stuff about reaping and sowing.

I get emails every day expressing anger, fear, frustration. People say that they’ve seen “The Secret” 12 times and read “The Attractor Factor” 3 times. They’ve said their affirmation for attracting wealth 10 times a day and nothing has shown up but their credit card bill.

I’ve seen “The Secret” too. I even wrote a segment in the “Attractor Factor.” I cannot find the part about not doing anything. Or the part about cultivating fear, resentment and anger.

You have to take action! You can’t just lie there. You’ll get bed sores.

The question that takes some delving into, some work to get clear about is: What kind of action?

Happy action! Action that is likely to lead to what you want – not away from it.

In addition to the barbeques, beer, movies and such, for a wonderful holiday weekend:

Celebrate the fruits of your labor. It took a lot of work just to survive as a human being on planet earth. Take a rest from struggle of all kinds (you won’t forget how in one weekend) and give yourself a true holiday.

Be grateful for the labor of all the people through the generations that have given us so much.

Be happy now! Even before you fix all of the things you would like to change in yourself, your relationships and our world.

Wherever you are on this glorious planet earth, have a blessed and beautiful weekend!

Here are some resources to help you to be happier, take inspired action and attract miracles.

“Emotional Options” provides a step by step method to identify and clear beliefs that block happiness and success. Order at

“Travelling Free” focuses on how we form beliefs you form during difficult and painful times. They shape our lives in ways we don’t understand. This book tells you how to free yourself from those beliefs. Order at

The Miracles Weekend.
Joe Vitale has gathered a group of teachers and experts to help him deliver an extraordinary experience in San Diego, September 26-28. This is a rare opportunity to work with Joe live and in person. I’m proud to be one of the teachers. I’ll present a 90 minute talk on “Accepting the Current Miracle.” I hope to see you there. Check it out at

The BREAKOUT Weekend in Palm Springs, October 24 - 26.
This is such an incredible opportunity to work with 24 like minded people to find and eliminate the individual, unique limiting beliefs that block your happiness and your success. The result is happiness, success and miracles! This course combines the very best of everything I’ve learned and taught in 35 years in the clearest, most empowering way possible. If you can possibly do it – be there!

Share your thoughts, questions and insights with us. Click on the word “comments” at the end of a blog entry.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Invest in Yourself

When the prosperity arrows glow red and point down where do you invest your resources?

In your self! There is only one dear, precious you.

Here are my tips for investments in “down times” on any budget.


Time: Every moment spent in happiness is well spent. Happiness is free. It’s the ultimate reward and end goal of fulfilled desires anyway.

Effort: Use it on worthy goals. Worthy to you that is. It could be a clean closet or a cure for cancer. What is worth some elbow grease, some brain-challenge for you to be able to say “I did it!”

Pleasure: Highly underrated, often judged. When I came out of a theater the other night, the sky blazed as the sun sank behind Mount San Jacinto. People stood in the parking lot gazing at the soul-stirring beauty. Ahhh. We felt a sweet connection that is so often missing in the illusion that we are separate and alone here on planet earth.

So often we put pleasure at the end of a never-ending to do list. Reverse the order! It’s like having a no-calorie dessert first.

Relationships: Take some time to nurture those relationships that sustain you and enhance your life.

Is there a thank-you note you might write to someone who contributes to your well-being? An over-due love letter to a parent, child, spouse or friend? A call to encourage a loved one who is struggling?

Education and Enlightenment: Learn! Read. Take seminars like the BREAKOUT Weekend in Palm Springs (info at Master a new skill. Put yourself in a new environment; it may be just around the corner or across town. Give yourself a brand-new experience.

Eyes on the Prize: If you know what you want move toward it. You may have to go over, around or find a new way but keep your eyes on the prize until you get what you want or think of something just as wonderful or even better.

Investments to Avoid...

Time and energy spent in fear, guilt, anger, resentment, blame or regret.
Commiserating with friends, co-workers and family about how awful it all is.
Following a path that leads away from what you want.

Wishing you happy returns on all of your investments.

It's always great to see your thoughts and comments. Click the "comments" link below to post them.
