Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Share Your Gratitude

What Are You Grateful For?

As we in the USA approach our day of gratitude, Thanksgiving, I would love to hear from you, wherever on this jewel of a planet you call home. Please share your thoughts; click the word "comments" below

Something happens when you share from your heart that is different from what happens when you keep it to yourself alone. You may increase the power of attraction, the goodwill of acknowledgement, the inspiration of your example, the recognition of our shared humanity. So I hope you will let us know what you are grateful this Thanksgiving.

I always thought it should be spelled great-full – as in “filled with awareness of greatness” – the awareness of the greatness of the beauty, abundance, love, joy--the magnificence of being alive on planet earth on the 3rd Thursday in November, 2008.

I am grateful for the love, challenge and many lessons of being my son, Barnaby’s mother – with all I have yet to learn. And to Sheri who loves him so well For my dear Dutch grandson, Siem

I am “great-full” for friendships old and new – like Catherine Rush, Debra Lux, Gary Dorothy, Kerry and Joe Lemier, Buzz Edelberg, Harry Cauley, Bob Burgos, Susan Stafford, Jeffrey Pease, Joe Vitale, Michael Neill, Jeffrey Pease, Abe Zimmerman, Douglas Wilson and Prue Berry, Rae Bales, Kate Nowak, Martin Parks, Sheila Bradley and so many others who have filled my life with love and lessons.

I am filled with gratitude to my reading student, Richard, for his inspiration and for giving me, twice a week, a time when I know without a doubt, that I’m doing something good.

I’m filled with gratitude for the abundance and beauty in which I live.

There is more, always more. What are some of yours?

If you share your blessing and gratitude who knows whose heart you will touch. Who you will inspire?

May your days be filled with gratitude and blessings!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trusting Reluctance

Perhaps a true seeker of truth never graduates from truth-seeking-school. But then, when would you want to be done with that? When would you want to stop learning more of the sheer, breath-taking beauty of clear vision?

One of my favorite truth seeking topics is “Trusting Yourself.” For the first part of my life I did not know it was even an issue. I just blundered about bouncing off the walls that defined my physical and emotional reality.

Around age 30 I began to listen to that small, still voice within. I began to see that even though a lot of my choices led to painful conclusions, I did want to take care of myself as best I could. I simply had a lot to learn. And a lot to unlearn. I still do.

Even so, I know I do the best I can with what I know and what I believe. I’ll bet you are too. The great news is that we can learn more every day. As we gain clarity our beliefs change with the speed of light.

Of all the ways we can trust ourselves, trusting reluctance doesn’t get a lot of buzz. I’ve never seen a headline or a seminar on “Trust Your Reluctance!”

What is that “oh, no, I don’t want to” message about anyway? So often we assume that if we don’t want to do something we believe we should it points to a character flaw – a sure sign of something in ourselves we need to overcome.

But what if it isn’t that at all? What if that internal braking system that slows us to a halt has another message. Sometimes our reluctance to act tells us that the very thing we try to force ourselves to do will not work. Or will not work yet. Will never turn out well with the approach we are about to take.

I’m learning to honor my reluctance. Sometimes I need more information, more courage, more support, more insight before opening my mouth, my heart or my purse-strings.

Yeah, but what if it is just a character defect of cowardice, laziness, sloth and torpor that holds me back? I ought to know, right? Maybe there is hope or help for improvement.

Here’s a question that helps me to sort it out. Say I dread making a phone call. I ask, “Is the only reason you don’t want to do it that you are afraid to?

If the answer is “no” – I’ve got other reluctance-reasons I can address now that I am aware of them.

If the answer is “yes” I can ask what I’m afraid of. When I identify my fear I can explore it. I can discover my reasons for being afraid. Those reasons are beliefs I can challenge and often dismiss as the limiting misconceptions they are.

I’m pretty excited about this new avenue of inquiry – celebrating reluctance! Who would have thought?

Now there is a phone call I’m ready to make – with no reluctance at all!

I’d love to know what you think. You can post comments by clicking the blue word “comments” below. My blog host shows a reluctance to give much of a clue!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Bargain :
Bargain Miracles? -- What a concept!

Joe Vitale specializes in them. He just released his newest, latest and maybe his last book all about them, “Expect Miracles.” It sounds terrific.

Joe wants to spread the word and the miracles. Its available at a big bargain discount for $10.85 today at Amazon. Miracles for everyone on your holiday gift list! Get yours at:


The Freebie:
Free Gifts from the Heart at Foodista.

My beloved son, Barnaby and his beloved girlfriend, Sheri are building an online encyclopedia for everything about food and cooking – Foodista!

I really liked their blog with 10 homemade gifts for budget conscious times.


Now I’m going to go order some copies of “Expect Miracles” and make that intriguing garlic vinegar from Foodista.

True foodistas hunting down those fierce oysters in the wild waters north of Seattle!

Have a wonderful day, full of bargains, miracles and gifts from the heart!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Listen Up! You'll Be Glad

Did you ever have a wonderful time and think of all the people you wish you could share it with?
Only it’s too late, or time, travel, financial challenges get in the way.

Well last night Al Diaz and I had a conversation like that. Al is a generous spirit, a true seeker. It was smokin’ hot, super cool and as much fun as I’ve had in a long time.

Best of all, I CAN share it with you. It’s free. You can listen to it on your computer, download it and even send it to friends!

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Ilumine-Ao Scroll down to the list of shows.

Listen up. I think you’ll be glad.

Have a great weekend.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Peace with the Past Radio Interview

I’m doing a free one hour internet radio interview on “Making Peace with the Past” on Thursday, November 6 at 6:00 PM Pacific time, 9:00 PM Eastern. The call-in number is (347) 826-7680.

The link is http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Ilumine-Ao

We will discuss how you can clear beliefs from the past that block success and happiness now.

The law of attraction always works; they don’t call it a law for nothing. A lot of things can get in the way of it working the way you want it to though, at least on a conscious level.

You probably already know that what you focus on usually grows.
What determines what you focus on? Your belief system does.

Created from a lifetime of observations, conclusions, perceptions, interpretations, everything you’ve been taught and told, your belief system is your unique version of reality. That’s the reality you really live by. It includes beliefs about who you are, what you can have and how you have to feel. It controls what you reach for, even what dreams you dare to have.

Your belief system trumps discipline, affirmations and guilt every time. How powerful is that!?

During painful, challenging times we often form limiting and self-defeating beliefs. We continue live by those beliefs without being aware of it.

Of course I do not recommend “living in the past” but it’s just as important that we not live “by the past” – that we are not ruled by outdated beliefs that were never true to begin with, that block success and happiness.

My book, “Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past” covers how to find and unravel those beliefs so that we can be happy and create more of what we want NOW! You can order it at:


Here is the link for the radio show:

I hope you’ll tell all of your friends. Call and join in with your questions. The call in number is (347) 826-7680.

Past shows are archived so you can listen on your computer later if you miss it live.

Wishing you a peaceful past, a happy now, and an amazing future!
