Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Blessing Bonus

Oh, if holidays would only come with peace on earth, good will to men -- women and children, all living creatures! But no, life goes on with it's full mix of gain and loss, birth and death, no matter what the season.

During one challenging time, I began to send blessings to everyone I could think of. I started with near and dear, moved on to dead and dear, then out everyone who has touched my life, then on to people I'm not so fond of.

It left me keenly aware of the many people I have been blessed to know and how deeply you and they have enriched my life. Sort of a blessing bonus. I recommend it, especially for holidays when it's easy to miss loved ones we've lost, or feel left out, or have to spend time with someone we don't get along with so well. Give it a whirl, just send out blessings and see what happens.

I wonder what our beautiful world would be like if we all sent each other, friend and foe, blessings from time to time.

Sending many blessings to you and yours for happy holidays filled with love.


1 comment:

  1. Mandy, this was a great post to read to start a new week. In my own experience, having health scares of any type has always reminded me to cherish those I hold near and dear, and thanks for the reminder of that! And as a Canadian wintering here, heated pools and the ability to swim in them daily are one of my blessings right now!


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